
Want More Engaged School Board Members? Make it Easy on Them by Using a Board Portal.
By Dustin McKissen, October 04, 2016
What is a typical day like for a typical school board
If your board member is a busy executive or
business owner that volunteers her time to the school board, she might start
the day by rolling over in bed, grabbing her iPhone, and hitting the snooze
button on her alarm.
Then hitting it again.
After she climbs out of bed, she might head to
the gym—after she checks her email. While at the gym your board member decides
to forego the news on the TVs they place just in front of the treadmills,
opting for a podcast instead. After exercising she gets home, and begins interacting
with her employees via text message, communicating big decisions in as little
characters as possible before she heads in to the office.
Once her kids get home from school, she checks
in from work using FaceTime, letting them know she’ll be home late that night because
she has a school board meeting to attend.
Or maybe your board member is a stay-at-home
parent, and his routine is largely the same until his oldest kids leave for
school. From that point forward his day becomes an exercise in juggling
appointments, to-do lists, and a wide variety of tasks—all of which are greatly
aided by the miracle of technology and the plethora of apps that help busy
parents manage a huge workload.
These are your board members. They are diverse.
They are busy. They balance their responsibilities with a genuine desire to
serve your school district.
And these board members are able to do this with
the help of technology that make their lives easier.
Until they get to your school board meeting,
where they are presented with a binder full of paper.
Your board members have been able to tackle a
long list of tasks both large and small using their phone—and then they get to
your school board meeting, which is relying on technology (paper) that is
literally ancient.
And at that point, your board member immediately
becomes less engaged.
Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way. BoardPaq, the affordable board portal of
choice for a growing number of school districts across the country, is now available on the iPhone.
engagement is one of the most-discussed topics in school district governance.
And while there is no magic solution, providing directors with technology and
tools that make it easier to engage is a huge step toward getting the
engagement from directors that your district needs.
Want to learn
Sign up for a demo with
BoardPaq today!
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Dustin McKissen is the founder of McKissen + Company, an association management and marketing firm. He is a Certified Association Executive and has served as an executive or consultant to a wide variety trade associations, professional societies, and nonprofits.
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